Aarhus Universitets segl

AIAS-SHAPE Fellowship for Lindsay Weinberg

From Smart Campuses to Smart Cities: Democracy, Digital Citizenship, and Higher Education

Starting on September 1, 2023, Lindsay Weinberg will join Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) and SHAPE - Research Center for Shaping Digital Citizenship with her project "From Smart Campuses to Smart Cities: Democracy, Digital Citizenship, and Higher Education". The application was supported by the Centre for Science Studies and the Department of Mathematics. 

Weinberg's project deals with the social and ethical implications of smart campus initiatives in Denmark and the US. The project is based on feminist science and technology studies and critical university studies, using discourse analysis and semi-structured interviews. Smart campus initiatives have extensive implications for digital citizenship, and particularly, the rights of students and faculty to transparent, accountable, and democratically organized institutions. Smart campus initiatives typically involve the use of digital tools to monitor and automate aspects of student learning and progress to degree; manage facilities and resources; produce new revenue streams; and enhance security and student wellness on campus. Such initiatives hold tremendous promise for improving student learning and maximizing the efficiency and environmental sustainability of college campuses. However, these tools can entrench inequality in their efforts to prioritize institutional cost savings, as well as intensify the surveillance and exploitation of student and faculty data.

Nine new theme-based fellows appointed at AIAS (au.dk)