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How was science perceived by the British public in the eighteenth century?
International perspectives on universities and their societal impact from Europe, China, and beyond
Navigating the Reproducibility Crisis in Scientific Literature: Life Science-Specific Factors, Impacts, and Solutions
Visualisering i Matematikundervisning. En undersøgelse af visualisering og forståelse i matematikundervisning i gymnasiet
Capturing the intangible: Research evidence of public engagement with science and nature through Community and Citizen Science
Racial Amnesia in the Spanish Golden Age: A Case Study in Social Ontology
Beyond NIMBY: a problematic narrative in the green transition
The conference will provide a platform from which to examine publication practices from a number of disciplinary perspectives, including historical,…
Selected aspects of the process of creating a new mathematical structure based on the mathematical practice of Cantor and Dedekind
Einstein’s Nobel Prize: The Scandal Then and Now, and Why it Matters
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