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Gymnasiereformen 2016 og Matematiklærernes rolle som aktør
Gondwana’s promises. German scientists in Antarctica between basic science and resource exploration in the 1970s
Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness
Off-shore Industry on the Norwegian Sector of the Seabed of the Barents Sea: Geo-economics, Technoscience and Regional Challenges
Issue-attention cycles, framings og journalistiske normer i udvalgte danske mediers dækning af HPV-vaccinen, 1991-2017
On how we can assess whether to trust what others tell us - the ordinary case and the case of experts
Mathematicians Writing for Mathematicians: The Framing of Proofs
Kratluskernes kognitive praksis: En udvikling af miljøbevægelser i 1980’ernes Danmark
History and Philosophy of Scientific Thought Experiments
A Different Use for Scientific Thought Experiments
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