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The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC seems to vindicate the vast amounts of resources spent on the experiment. A group of physicists working on…
It is well known that computer simulation models are used to make projections of future climate change. It is less well known that some of the…
Mellem utopi og dystopi: Historiske og aktuelle eksempler på visioner om fremtidens teknologi
Dimensions of Normativity in Philosophy of ScienceMarie I. Kaiser, Universität zu Köln
One trend that characterizes the development of philosophy of…
Danish and US seismic research during the Cold War
Lif Jacobsen, Centre for Science Studies, Aarhus University
Drawing upon the private letters of…
Cultures of mathematization: Tracing divergent views on explanations
Henrik Kragh Sørensen, Centre for Science Studies, Aarhus University
With the…
Understanding the Anthropocene by tracing the history of Earth system science
Ola Uhrqvist
How has it become reasonable to experience our present as…
The Cold War: Faciliteis and histories from Greenland
Jens Fog Jensen, National Museum of Denmark
Abstract TBA
Formal and informal maritime empires – Danish marine science in the North Atlantic, c. 1900-1930.
Bo Poulsen, Aalborg University
The missing narrativist turn in the historiography of science
Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen (Department of Philosophy, Hull, UK)
The narrativist turn of the…
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