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Learn how to embed citizen science in existing strategies and policies of the Research Perfoming Organization and to envisage new ones
Social Evidence Tampering and the Epistemic Significance of Consensus
Gödel's achievement in logic and foundations in the light of his shorthand notes
What Can the Smart City Teach Us About the Smart Campus?
Learn how to support Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and researchers in recognizing and adopting citizen science, for example by establishing…
Learn how to develop your own CS training programs for graduate students and/or researchers and other staff as well as other activities aimed at…
Relying on experts, disliking participation, or lacking representation? Public engagement with science and socio-economic status
Expecting the unexpected in the search for extraterrestrial life
Learn how to develop and plan research projects that employ citizen science and open science methodologies
What can we learn by studying mathematical notations?
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