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AIAS Conference, 1-2 June 2022
Nicolas Rashevsky’s early development of mathematical biology: A struggle on various levels
The Tabulae Rudolphinae from Johannes Kepler. A census of the copies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
From climatic variation to climate change: On the 1970s emergence of paleoclimatology, and arguments about global climate change
Diamonds on the soles of their feet (enacting participatory democracy through citizen science)
A two-day onsite conference to engage citizen science researchers, practitioners, and citizens in sharing research, ideas, and innovations in order to…
Epistemic benefits of diversity in science
Quantifying institution- and country-related Matthew effects in science
Applied Social Research and Paradigm Shifts: The Remaking of the Social Sciences in the Image of War, 1941-1951
Is Ethics of Chemistry only a multi-disciplinary topic for teaching? Or might it also be a research program in itself?
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