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Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård: Where does science news come from?
Learning from Resistance - Towards a Social Psychology of Techno-Scientific Mobilisation
From “Quiet Corner” to “Major Crossroad:” Quantum Many-Body Physics in the 1950s
Climatic aspects in the first city plan of Tel-Aviv (1925)
Philosophy of Science for non-philosophers
Bircan Aykurt: Surveying Nanoscientists’ Communication Activities And Online Behavior
S&T and the Development Discourse in Twentieth Century India
The fertility based argument for mathematical realism: a barren effort
Vi fejrer, at det er 50 år siden oprettelsen af Institut for de Eksakte Videnskabers Historie (nu Center for Videnskabsstudier)
The Shifting Economies of Measurement Uncertainty
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