Aarhus Universitets segl



  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet. 2017. Computing the climate: When models became political, Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences.
  • Achermann, Dania. 2018. Snow and Avalanche Research as a Patriotic Duty? Switzerland as a Trailblazer for Cold War Ice and Snow Sciences, in: Kehrt, Christian; Torma, Franziska; Lajus, Julia (ed.), Ice and Snow in the Cold War (New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books).
  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet. 2018. "An Orgy of Hypothesizing": The Construction of Glaciological Knowledge in Cold War America, in: Kehrt, Christian; Torma, Franziska; Lajus, Julia (ed.), Ice and Snow in the Cold War (New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books).
  • Heymann, Matthias, Dania Achermann. 2018. From climatology to climate science in the 20th century, in: Sam White, Christian Pfister, Franz Mauelshagen (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Climate History (New York: Palgrave).
  • Mahony, Martin, Matthias Heymann, , Gabriele Gramelsberger. 2018. Cultures of prediction in climate change science (Martin Mahony, Gabriele Gramelsberger), in: Giuseppe Feola, ed., Climate and Culture: Multi‐disciplinary Perspectives on Knowing, Being, and Doing in a Climate Change World, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Matthias Heymann. 2018 Knowledge production with climate models: On the power of a “weak” type of knowledge, in: Annette Imhausen, Falk Müller, Moritz Epple, eds., Weak Knowledge: Forms, Functions, and Dynamics, Frankfurt: Campus.


  • Heymann, Matthias, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Martin Mahoney (eds.) 2017, Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science, Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation (New York: Routledge, Series Environmental Humanities).
  • Heymann, Matthias, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Martin Mahoney, Introduction, in: Matthias Heymann, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Martin Mahoney (eds.), Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science, Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation (New York: Routledge, Series Environmental Humanities), pp. 1-17.
  • Heymann, Matthias, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Martin Mahoney, Key characteristics of cultures of prediction, in: Matthias Heymann, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Martin Mahoney (eds.), Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science, Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation (New York: Routledge, Series Environmental Humanities), pp. 18-41.
  • Heymann, Matthias, Nils Hundebøl.  From heuristic to predictive: Making climate models political instruments, in: Matthias Heymann, Gabriele Gramelsberger and Martin Mahoney (eds.): Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science, Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation (New York: Routledge, Series Environmental Humanities), pp. 100-119.
  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet 2017. A New Climate: Hubert H. Lamb and Boundary Work at the UK Meteorological Office, in: Knowledge and Authority: Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Environmental Science (New York: Routledge, Series Environmental Humanities), pp- 63-79.


  • Achermann, Dania. 2016. Institutionelle Identität im Wandel: Zur Geschichte des Instituts für Physik der Atmosphäre in Oberpfaffenhofen (Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag).
  • Doel, Ronald E., Kristine C. Harper, Matthias Heymann, Introduction: Exploring Greenland’s secrets: Science, technology, diplomacy, and Cold War planning in global contexts, in: Ronald E. Doel, Kristine C. Harper, Matthias Heymann  (eds.), Exploring Greenland: Expanding Technologies and Creating Geophysical Knowledge in the Cold War (New York: Palgrave MacMillan).
  • Doel, Ronald E.; Kristine C. Harper, Matthias Heymann (eds.). 2016. Exploring Greenland: Cold War Science and Technology on Ice (New York: Palgrave MacMillan).
  • Henderson, Gabriel. 2016. Governing the Hazards of Climate: The Development of the National Climate Program Act, 1977-1981, Historical Studies of the Natural Sciences 46:2, pp. 207-242.
  • Henderson, Gabriel 2016. Envisioning a Climatological Renaissance: Helmut Landsberg and the Evolution of Twentieth-Century American Climatology. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, online version.
  • Heymann, Matthias. 2016. In search of control: Arctic weather stations in the early Cold War, in: Ronald E. Doel, Kristine C. Harper, Matthias Heymann  (eds.), Exploring Greenland: Expanding Technologies and Creating Geophysical Knowledge in the Cold War (New York: Palgrave MacMillan).


  • Heymann, Matthias; Henry Nielsen, Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen, Henrik Knudsen. 2015. Small State versus Superpower: Science and Geopolitics in Greenland in the Early Cold War, in: Jeroen van Dongen (ed.), Cold War Science (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet. 2015. Ways of Knowing Climate: Hubert H. Lamb and Climate Research in the UK, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 6(5): pp. 465-477.



  • Henderson, Gabriel. 2014. The Dilemma of Reticence: Helmut Landsberg, Stephen Schneider, and Public Communication of Climate Risk, 1971-76, History of Meteorology: pp. 53-78.

  • Heymann, Matthias. 2014. Naturkatastrophen und Environmental Coherence: Versuch einer Einordnung am Beispiel von Flutkatastrophen auf der Nordseeinsel Strand und in Miami Beach, in: Martina Heßler; Christian Kehrt, eds. Die Hamburger Sturmflut von 1962. Risikobewusstsein und Katastrophenschutz aus technik- und umweltgeschichtlicher Perspektive (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), pp. 62-84.


  • Achermann, Dania. 2013. Die Eroberung der Atmosphäre: Wetterbeeinflussung in
    Süddeutschland zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges, Technikgeschichte 3: pp. 225-240.
  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet. 2013. Eismitte in the Scientific Imagination: Knowledge and Politics at the Center of Greenland (New York: Palgrave Macmillan).


  • Heymann, Matthias. 2012. Constructing evidence and trust: How did climate scientists’ confidence in their models and simulations emerge? Hastrup, K., and Skydstrup, M. eds. 2012. The social life of climate change models: Anticipating nature (New York: Roudledge).
  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet. 2012. The other cold war : The United States and Greenland's ice sheet environment, 1948-1966, Journal of Historical Geography 38: pp. 69-80.
  • Martin-Nielsen, Janet. 2012a. 'The Deepest and Most Rewarding Hole Ever Drilled’: Ice Cores and the Cold War in Greenland, Annals of Science 69,  iFirst article: pp. 1-24.


  • Heymann, Matthias. 2010. Lumping, testing, tuning: the invention of an artificial chemistry in atmospheric transport modeling, in: Modelling and Simulation in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, special issue in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (September 2010), pp. 218-232.
  • Heymann, Matthias. 2010. The evolution of climate ideas and knowledge. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Climate Change 1(4), pp. 581-597.
  • Heymann, Matthias. 2010a. Understanding and misunderstanding computer simulation: The case of atmospheric and climate science — An introduction. In Heymann and Kragh 2010, pp. 193-200.
  • Heymann, Matthias; Helge Kragh, eds. Modelling and Simulation in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, special issue in Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (September 2010), pp. 193-292.


  • Heymann, Matthias. 2009. Klimakonstruktionen. Von der klassischen Klimatologie zur Klimaforschung. In: NTM. Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 17: 171-197.