Aarhus University Seal


Work-in-Progress Publications

ISSN: 1600-7433



(History Of Science and Technology, Aarhus) is a series of publications initiated in 2000 at the History of Science Department at the University of Aarhus in order to provide opportunity for historians of science and technology outside the Department to get a glimpse of some of the ongoing or recent works at the Department by researchers and advanced students. As most issues contain work in progress, comments to the authors are greatly valued.


Publication is only made electronically. The issues can freely be printed as pdf-documents.

Hosta 2004

Nr. 18: Cand. scient. Michael Thomsen: Aspekter af den ikke-euklidiske geometris historie. Inspirationsmateriale til matematikinteresserede gymnasieelever. (146 sider, 1090 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 17: Cand. scient. Marie Louise Thomsen: Den tidlige molekylærbiologis udvikling og institutionalisering i Danmark (1932-1970). (157 sider, 5552 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 16: PhD, cand. scient. Kurt Ramskov: Matematiske stillinger og karrierepleje i første tredjedel af det 20. århundrede i København. (24 sider, 144 kB, Artikel) Download as PDF file in Danish


Hosta 2003

Nr. 15: Anita Kildebæk Nielsen, Peter C. Kjærgaard & Henrik Knudsen: Danske avisers fremstilling af naturvidenskabsmænd - Eksempler fra det 20. århundrede. (14 sider, 4243 kB, Artikel) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 14: PhD, cand. scient. Anita Kildebæk Nielsen: Introducing Scientific Reasoning and Methods into Agriculture: A Late 19th-Century Danish-English Case on Butter. (10 sider, 389 kB, Foredrag) Download as PDF file in English

Nr. 13: Cand. scient. Merete H. O. Lemke: Platon og matematikken. Platons matematiske kunnen, hans matematiksyn og dets betydning for udviklingen af idélæren. (117 sider, 11048 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 12: Cand. scient. Michael Lund Christensen: Vejen til den elektrosvage teori - eller historien om gaugeteoriens indtog i fysikken. (127 sider, 1073 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish


Hosta 2002

Nr. 11: Stud. mag. Hans Henrik Hjermitslev og Casper Andersen: Naturvidenskab og dannelse på de danske højskoler 1860-1900. (62 sider, 3165 kB, Opgave) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 10: Cand. scient. Klaus Rasmussen: Det danske engagement i CERN 1950-70. (136 sider, 53983 kB, Speciale)            Download as PDF file in Danish


Hosta 2001

Nr. 9: Cand. scient. Claus Festersen: Philosophie und Mathematik in Wittgensteins Tractatus. (170 sider, 1137 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in German

Nr. 8: Cand. scient. Jesper Krogh Petersen: Er der nogen? Danske forestillinger om liv uden for Jorden fra det nittende århundrede til Første Verdenskrig. (149 sider, 3142 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 7: Lektor Ole Knudsen: O.W. Richardson and the Electron Theory of Matter, 1901-1916. (26 sider, 175 kB, Artikel)    Download as PDF file in English


Hosta 2000

Nr. 6: Ph.d.-studerende Terese M. O. Nielsen: Matematisk realisme, "indispensability" og objekt- og vidensbegreber. (24 sider, 540 kB, Artikel) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 5: Prof. Helge Kragh: The Early Phase of Wave Mechanics, 1926-1928. (18 sider, 125 kB, Foredrag) Download as PDF file in English

Nr. 4: Prof. Helge Kragh: Quantum Interdisciplinarity. Friedrich Hund and Early Quantum Chemistry. (19 sider, 129 kB, Foredrag) Download as PDF file in English

Nr. 3: PhD, cand. scient. Anita Kildebæk Nielsen: Bedre brød til folket. pH-begrebets anvendelse i gæringsindustrien, især i forbindelse med brødbagning. (19 sider, 971 kB, Artikel) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 2: Cand. scient. Frank Daniel Carlsen: Planetteorier fra Ptolemaios til Copernicus. (121 sider, 1403 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish

Nr. 1: Cand. scient. Simon Olling Rebsdorf: Milnes kosmofysik. En undersøgelse af E. A. Milnes levnedsforløb og hans forsøg på at reformere fysikken. (151 sider, 1498 kB, Speciale) Download as PDF file in Danish