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In Science communication: taking a step back to move forward, eds. M. W. Bauer and B. Schiele (CNRS Editions, 2023): 385-396.
Official launch of the Center for Immunology of viral infections (CiViA), Tuesday 23 May from 14:00-17:00 (all are welcome, registration needed)
Vedr. den nye Kunming-Montréal Globale Biodiversitet Rammeaftale og inddragelse af borgerviden i forvaltningen af naturen
Located in building 1531, ground floor
Metascience, EPub Ahead of Print (27 February 2023)
CSS takes part in the EPSA Fellowship Scheme, which provides junior philosophers working in Central and Eastern Europe with the opportunity to visit a…
MONA Matematik- og Naturfagsdidaktik - Tidsskrift for undervisere, forskere og formidlere, nr. 1 (2023): 45-71
Led by Bart Van Kerkhove at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel
Frontiers in Communication, vol. 8 (2023): 1032460.
Nordisk Seminar, Aarhus Universitet, d. 3. marts kl. 14-16, og Festivalen Grænser, Folkeuniversitetet i Aarhus, d. 7. marts kl. 16.30-18.15
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