Aarhus Universitets segl

3rd meeting of the Danish Network in Philosophy of Science

3rd annual meeting in the Danish Network for Philosophy of Science

February 5 (10 am) – February 6 2015 (3.30 pm) at Nyborg Strand

Participation is free for teachers and researchers in philosophy of science employed in higher education (universities and university colleges). Others can apply for participation.

Invited Lectures

Professor James Ladyman (Bristol University) will give a plenary on science policy, and in particular, on so-called 'impact agenda' of the research councils in the UK, which requires that research make a “demonstrable contribution to society and the economy”. In Denmark and other countries too academics have come under pressure from politicians to produce ‘useful’ research. Following Prof. Ladyman’s talk there will be a panel discussion with James Ladyman; Federica Russo (Amsterdam University) and Peter Sandoe (Copenhagen). 

Plenary lectures presenting new, major research projects in philosophy of science will be given by Sune Hannibal Holm (University of Copenhagen; project: Living Machines? The Prospects and Limitations of the Machine Concept of the Organism) and Samuel Schindler (Aarhus University; Project: Intuitions in Science and Philosophy).

Thematic sessions


There will be a session on teaching Responsibly Conduct of Research (RCR) to BA students as part of the mandatory philosophy of science course. As part of that session assistant professor Mikkel Willum Johansen will talk about an ongoing study of how students perceive plagiarism. Also there will be a talk by associate professor Louise Whiteley on RCR in relation to science communication and in relation to the role of scientists in the public debate.

Embedding of the network activities

To ensure an institutional embedding of selected network activities after the funding from the research council runs out in June 2016, we will discuss a) how to provide adequate infrastructure for sharing information as well as teaching and research material, and b) the possibility of arranging regional or national meetings after the funding has run out.

To apply for participation if you are not a teacher or researcher in philosophy of science at an institution of higher education, please send an e-mail to hanne.andersen@ind.ku.dk with a brief description of your activities in philosophy of science as well as a short statement about what you would like to gain from participation in the meeting.