Aarhus Universitets segl

CSS Colloquium: Dirk Schlimm, McGill University

What can we learn by studying mathematical notations?

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 27. september 2023,  kl. 14:15 - 15:45


Aud G1 (1532-116)

There is a sense in which notations are arbitrary: any symbol can in principle be replaced by another and many tasks can in principle be accomplished by very different notational systems. However, notations do make a difference: these can be cognitive and pragmatic, but they can also reveal something about how the subject matter is conceptualized. In this talk, I will introduce a systematic approach to the study of notations and, using several examples from mathematics and logic, discuss some philosophical conclusions that can be drawn from this.

Coffee, tea, cakes and fruit will be served before the colloquium @ 2 pm.