CSS Colloquium: Siska De Baerdemaeker, Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
Confirming MOND?
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Auditorium D4 (1531 – 219)
While Lambda-CDM has emerged as the standard model of cosmology, a small group of physicists defends MOND (Modified Newtonian Gravity) as an alternative view on cosmology. Exponents of MOND have employed a broad, at times explicitly philosophical, conceptual perspective in arguing their case. This paper offers reasons why that MONDian defense has been ineffective. First, we argue that the defense of MOND can best be reconstructed as an instance of meta-empirical confirmation (MEC). The formal employment of MEC-type reasoning by MONDians is unconvincing, however, because it lacks the epistemic cogency required for successful MEC-type reasoning. In the last part of the paper, we draw some lessons for the debate and for MEC more generally.
This talk is based on joint work with Richard Dawid
The colloquium is a hybrid event. Siska De Baerdemaeker will present on Zoom, and there will be opportunity to see the presentation and ask questions in the auditorium.
Coffee, tea, cakes and fruit will be served before the colloquium @ 2 pm