CSS kollokvium: Isabel Zilhão, University of Lisbon
Communicating science to Portuguese young people at the turn of the twentieth century
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Koll D (1531-211)
Communicating science to children and young people is not just about teaching scientific facts and theories to impressionable and maturing young minds. It’s fundamentally about adults’ aspirations for the future and their own particular views on the betterment of society. There’s already a considerable amount of scholarship coming from Central Europe and North America concerning the history, during the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, of both the teaching of science at school and its communication to young people through media such as books and magazines, toys and exhibitions, and clubs and fairs, pinpointing the multifarious ways in which science has been represented and ideologically used for shaping the next generation of citizens. But we need to learn more from other countries. In this talk, I address what I learned so far about the Portuguese case, namely the political ideologies and mindsets that shaped the production and content of popular science for young people in early twentieth century Portugal.
Isabel Zilhão
Post-doctoral Researcher, Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences, FCUL
Coffee/tea, cake and fruit will be served at 2 pm.