Gitte Kragh and Kristian H. Nielsen have been awarded the CircleU Seed Funding Grant (with Université Paris Cité (PI) and King’s College)
Accelerating the Societal Dimension of Open Science Training through Citizen Science (ASDOST-CitSci)

The overall objective of the project "Accelerating the Societal Dimension of Open Science Training through Citizen Science" is to
contribute to the societal dimension of open science across Circle U universities. Specifically, the need to share knowledge in the area
of participatory and citizen science, which is a central part of the societal engagement pillar of the European Union formulation of open
science and the UNESCO recommendation for Open Science.
A linked objective is to leverage the outcomes of three Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects that the three partner universities
participated in and ensure that the emerging knowledge can be used for teaching and training across each university and the wider
Circle U consortium. By the nature of European research projects, the local impact is frequently limited. By capturing and sharing their
knowledge, this project will act as a bridge to Circle U, and potentially to the Open Campus initiative.
To achieve that, researchers with experience in data aspects of citizen science (KCL) and in training researchers in citizen science
(AU) will develop training material. This will be utilised by UP, who are developing the European Citizen Science Academy (ECS
Academy), in a form that can be shared usefully by UP, KCL, AU (and other institutions through the Open Campus).
Thirteen new projects selected to boost Circle U. - Circle U. (