New deliverable for TIME4CS project by Kristian H. Nielsen and Gitte Kragh: "D4.2: Second version of the Description of TIME4CS training programs"
Zenodo (26 Jan 2023): 7560973

Executive Summary
The current document, titled ‘D4.2: Second version of the Description of TIME4CS training programs’, has been developed within the framework of the TIME4CS project which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101006201. The main objectives of this Deliverable are to:
- Map and introduce current insights into citizen science training programs across Europe;
- identify the key concepts, capabilities, and infrastructures for citizen science training, partly from training identified and partly from insights from WP1 and WP2; and
- describe the updated training programs in TIME4CS.
To this end, the document gives a short overview of the literature on citizen science training and maps out current citizen science training offered across Europe. It proceeds to identify the key concepts, capabilities and infrastructures addressed in current training offered as well as those required to embed citizen science into research performing organisations based on work done in work packages 1 and 2. The document ends with an updated description of the TIME4CS training program planned. In total, four training courses (one for each of the four Intervention Areas (Research, Education & Awareness, Support Resources & Infrastructure, and Policy & Assessment)) have been developed further. The training courses can be combined into a complete training program, or used separately, depending on the needs and requirements of the implementing institution. All training courses are based on previous analysis performed by the TIME4CS consortium, specifically WP1 and WP2, and on the analysis of best practices identified in current training programs performed in WP4. Training courses will be assessed in close coordination with WP5