New Metascience issue, edited by Brad Wray and Jonathan Simon
Metascience, vol. 30, issue 1 (March, 2021)

Excerpt from Brad Wray's introduction
This is the first issue of the year, and let us hope that this year is better than last year. The Coronavirus is still profoundly shaping our lives and careers. Jonathan, Lori, Eric, and I are all working from home, as I know many of you are. This has created new challenges for all of us.
It has been a period of isolation. And everyone, during their long isolation, I am sure, has completed the six meditations of Descartes by now! We are all now tired of his six-step program, from radical doubt to certainty, and, having found a firm foundation for the sciences, are looking for some social interaction. Like Hume, we are ready for some billiards with a few friends.
But the Coronavirus lockdown measures have also created opportunities as well. In Denmark, at least we have been able to go out in the woods. So we have been able to rejuvenate with a stroll in Riis Skov, an urban forest. A mere 15 min from Trøjborg, residents can be at a cliff overlooking the sea, near a commemorative stone dedicated to Dronning Margrethe I, who presented the city with the forest in 1395. What foresight she had! We can only hope our readers have a similarly delightful refuge. [...]