Xiaomin Zhu, from Peking University, has been awarded a visiting researcher stipend by the Aarhus University Research Foundation
Zhu is hosted by Kristian H. Nielsen and will be visiting the Centre for Science Studies from June to September 2024

Description of the visit
Xiaomin Zhu, from June 8 to September 8, 2024
Third mission activities, encompassing the engagement of universities with society and the wider community, have become increasingly important in the modern academic landscape. By comparing and contrasting the practices in Denmark and China, we can gain valuable insights into the role of universities in societal development and innovation. The objectives of the proposed research during this visiting fellowship include:
- Investigating the current landscape of third mission activities in Danish universities, with a focus on strategies, programs, and success stories.
- Comparing the Danish experience with the situation in Chinese universities, exploring similarities, differences, and potential areas of collaboration.
- Analyzing the impact of third mission activities on societal engagement, innovation, and knowledge transfer in both countries.
- Identifying best practices and lessons learned that can inform the development of future university policies and strategies in both Denmark and China.
This comparative study will not only contribute to academic discourse but also provide practical insights for policymakers and university administrators in both countries.