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Train-the-trainers to support institutional change towards citizen science
Tirsdag d. 10. februar kl. 10
Aktuel Naturvidenskab, nr. 6 (2022)
Proceedings of Science, 16 December 2022
Driving changes to embed Citizen Science at your institution, Tuesday 6 December 2022 @ 10-12 am
In Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, vol. 22, issue 10, and in Schlüsselwerke der sozialwissenschaftlichen…
Knowledge Exchange Seminar, Monday 28 November @ 11.45 am
Samuel Schindler summarized some of his impressions from the Lakatos Centenary conference in London on Twitter.
The CAVA Project: Comparing Adverse Vaccine Event Reporting – an interdisciplinary study of early 21st Century digital health citizenship in Denmark,…
Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), Uppsala, Sweden, March 15-18, 2022, p. 212-220
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