EASST Freeman Award 2016
The New Production of Users (Routledge, 2016)

This book is an excellent and opportune illustration of the cross-fertilization between STS and innovation studies. It provides a timely renewal of studies of user innovation which takes stock of the different perspectives, including user-centered design, participatory design, open source software, consumption studies, co-creation and peer production. These are brought together in a new way which broadens the usual interest in user innovation. It goes beyond the traditional focus on situations of co-production to also address user innovation when it occurs in the margins and is contested and controversial. As a result it introduces a novel research agenda on users in innovation.
Read more about the book on Routledge's homepage
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the New Production of Users
Sampsa Hyysalo, Torben Elgaard Jensen and Nelly Oudshoorn
Part 1: Rethinking and Extending Theoretical Approaches to the Production of Users in Innovation
2. Protecting the Right to Innovate: Our Innovation ‘Wetlands’
Andrew W. Torrance and Eric von Hippel
3. User Representation: A Journey Towards Conceptual Maturation
Sampsa Hyysalo and Mikael Johnson
4. How User Assemblage Matters: Constructing Learning-by-Using in the Case of Wind Turbine Technology in Denmark 1973–1990
Kristian H. Nielsen
Part 2: User-producer Engagements between Democratized Technology and Industrial Strategizing
5. Making Work Visible
Lucy Suchman
6. Making Sense of User Involvement: Hopes, Fears and Pragmatics
Torben Elgaard Jensen and Morten Krogh Petersen
7. Generification as a Strategy: How Software Producers Configure Products, Manage User Communities and Segment Markets
Neil Pollock, Robin Williams and Luciana D’Adderio
Part 3: Innovation Practices and User Communities
8. Innovation in Civil Society: The Socio-material Dynamics of a Community Innovation
Stefan Verhaegh, Ellen van Oost, and Nelly Oudshoorn
9. User Communities as Multi-functional Spaces: Innovation, Collective Voice, Demand Articulation, Peer Informing and Professional Identity (and more)
Hajar Mozaffar
Part 4: Unwanted Innovation and Non-Users
10. "We Walk Straight Past the Screens": The Power of Non-users of a Hospital Information System
Line Melby and Pieter Toussaint
11. Users, Non-users and "Resistance" to Pharmaceuticals
Kate Weiner and Catherine Will
12. DIY Research in the Psychonaut Subculture: A Case of Unwanted User Innovation
Johan Söderberg
Trevor Pinch