Science Studies Alumni Seminar
Engaging talks by distinguished alumni and a chance to reconnect with fellow classmates and staff members

Oplysninger om arrangementet
Aud G2 (1532-122)
- 15.15 Introduction
- 15.20 Stine Block Mattesen, Administrative Office in the Nature and Biodiversity Team, Nature Agency (Naturstyrelsen)
- 15.40 Marcus Lee Naldal, PhD Student, Centre for Science and Fiction, Aarhus University
- 16.00 Break
- 16.15 Daniel G. Marques, International Investment Officer, Innovation Fund Denmark (Innovationsfonden)
- 16.35 Gunver Vestergaard, Science Journalist, Weekendavisen
- 16.55 End of Seminar
Following the discussions, we will be offering refreshments and snacks.
We have organized a dinner gathering at the Math Canteen at 6 pm, and the cost will be covered individually. Kindly notify Kristian H. Nielsen ( of your intention to join us by January 26.
We extend a warm invitation to all alumni of Science Studies, current students, and staff members to join us for this event.