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Foundations of Chemistry: Philosophical, Historical, Educational and Interdisciplinary Studies of Chemistry 20 (2018): 209-217
Socially Extended Epistemology (Oxford University Press, 2018), p. 11-23, edited by J. Adam Carter, Andy Clark, Jesper Kallestrup, S. Orestis…
Regional Environmental Change, E-Pub Ahead of Print (29 June 2018)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 69 (2018): 86-89
Kratluskernes kognitive praksis: En udvikling af miljøbevægelser i 1980'ernes Danmark
HPV-vaccinen i nyhedsmedier og på Facebook
Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment and the Quest for Resource Security (EurReS)
Samuel Schindler's paper "Constructive theories and explanation by necessity" has been accepted on the programme of the biennial meeting of the…
"Thomas Kuhn and the T. S. Kuhn Archives at MIT"
"Ideas, politics and practices of integrated science teaching in the global Cold War"
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