Call for abstracts: “Teaching History and Philosophy of Science to Science Students” (extended deadline January 17)
Annual Meeting of the Danish National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science, 26-27 March 2020
Extended deadline for submissions: Friday January 17, 2020
The Danish National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science invites abstracts for the Annual Meeting of 2020, on March 26 & 27 (until lunchtime). The topic of the meeting will be “Teaching History and Philosophy of Science to Science Students”. We welcome 20-minute presentations on the ‘why’, ‘what’, and ‘how’ of teaching history and philosophy of science to science students (including math and engineering students). Possible themes include the didactics of teaching philosophical topics to science students, case studies in particular subjects, best practices of co-teaching with scientists, reflections on the difference between teaching HPS to science students and philosophy students, and the teaching of contemporary philosophy of science to students at upper-secondary school. Till Grüne-Yanoff from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm will be giving a keynote lecture in the morning of Thursday March 26.
Please email your abstract to
Registration will open in late January
The Danish National Committee is member of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology