CircleU Seed Funding for the PReCISE project with Gitte Kragh and Kristian H. Nielsen
PRomoting CItizen Science by capitalizing on Circle U Expertise (PReCISE)
The objective of the PReCISE project is to promote Citizen Science, by capitalizing on the expertise of CIRCLE-U universities. It focuses on sharing expertise and building knowledge in CS to promote uptake of this approach and drive institutional change. To initiate this change, PReCISE will organize a hybrid Citizen Science Summer School (C3S) that will bring together UCLouvain and other CIRCLE U researchers (PhD students, postdocs, academics intending to use but unfamiliar with CS) together with CS experts from three CIRCLE U universities (Université Paris Cité (UPC), Aarhus University (AU), University of Vienna (UV)). PReCISE builds on a previous CIRCLE-U seed funded project, ASDOST-CitSci, which developed training materials for CS. With the support of three external institutions, the AfricaMuseum, Louvain Cooperation, and the University of the Western Cape, the C3S will focus on challenges of CS project implementation in Africa, allowing participants to explore best practices in this context. With this focus, PReCISE will inform the European Citizen Science Association 10 principles, which currently do not fully address inclusion and diversity.
Project lead: Caroline Michellier (UCLouvain)
Other Circle U participants: Cléa Montanari and Muki Haklay (Université Paris Cité), Gitte Kragh and Kristian H. Nielsen (Aarhus University), Didone Frigerio (Universität Wien)
External partners: AfricaMuseum, Tervuren, Belgium (Luiza Mitrache, Citizen Science coordinator), Louvain Coopération, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (Fiona Nziza, Head of Education and Citizenship Department , University of the Western Cape, South Africa (Jacqueline Goldin, Professor)
Circle U. Seed Funding Scheme 2024: It’s a Wrap! - Circle U.