CSS colloquium: Emilie Gertz, University of Copenhagen
Outside on the inside – A longitudinal study of young women’s identities in upper secondary science and mathematics
Info about event
Aud. D1 (1531-113)
Upper secondary education has been identified as a critical period for understanding young people's (non)continuation into science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This study examines processes of inclusion and exclusion in upper secondary school science and mathematics for young women, using identity as a theoretical lens. Based on a longitudinal qualitative study, it follows young women through individual interviews over the course of their three years in upper secondary education.
The presentation will focus on longitudinal identity negotiations in upper secondary school physics and mathematics by foregrounding young women who embody a paradox: despite entering upper secondary school with strong science and mathematics identities and pursuing advanced coursework in both subjects, they consistently refrained from considering futures in STEM.
Coffee, tea, cake and fruit will be served before the colloquium @2 pm.