CSS researchers at ESHS 2014
Matthias Heymann, Janet Martin-Nielsen, Nils Randlev Hundebøl, and Kristian H. Nielsen are all contributing to the 6th International Conference of European Society for the History of Science, 4-6 September, Lisbon.

CSS researchers will be participating in the 6th International Conference of European Society for the History of Science that takes place in Lisbon, 4-6 September.
Matthias Heymann organizes a session on Cultures on Prediction with the participation of Janet Martin-Nielsen, presenting her paper called Climate, computers and controversy: Boundary work at the UK Meteorological Office, and Matthias Heymann, presenting the paper, Negotiating limits: From heuristic to predictive climate modelling, 1970 to 1985 (co-authored with Nils Randlev Hundebøl)
Kristian H. Nielsen will be presenting his paper, Integrating Ideas And Ideologies In The Classroom: Unesco's Programme In Integrated Science Teaching 1969-1983.