Science, culture and identity 1700-1900
Seminar at the Research Unit for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, AU

- 1.15PM-1.20PM: Welcome and introductions
- 1.20-1.55: Anna Marie Roos (University of Lincoln): Lives and Afterlives of Edward Lhwyd's Lithophylacii Britannici ichnographia (1699)
- 1.55-2.30: Charles Wollfe (Sarton Centre for history of science): Life between metaphysics and science: Lessons from 18th century vitalism
- 2.30-2.55: Break (including coffee)
- 2.55-3.30: Stephen Gaukroger (University of Sydney): The End of Enlightenment: Neo-Kantianism and the assimilation of science to philosophy
- 3.30-3.45: Plenary discussion
- Auditorium 2 (building 1441, room 112)
- Thursday 3 May 2018