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Frontiers in Communication, vol. 8 (2023): 1032460.
Journal of Science Communication, vol. 22, issue 1 (2023): R03
In Perspectives on Kuhn: Contemporary Approaches to the Philosophy of Thomas Kuhn, eds. Leandro Giri, Pablo Melogno, and Hernán Miguel (The Western…
Zenodo (26 Jan 2023): 7560973
Metascience, vol. 31 (2022): 395-397
Metascience, vol 31, issue 3 (November 2022)
Metascience, vol. 31 (2022): 235-237
Topoi, E-Pub Ahead of Print, 24 December (2022)
Ferrum, vol. 92 (2022): 58-65
Proceedings of Science, 418 (2022): 078
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