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Mathematical understanding – Common themes in philosophy and mathematics education. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 75 (2024): 101202.
Scientific Discovery: Its Nature, Social Function, and Future
PRomoting CItizen Science by capitalizing on Circle U Expertise (PReCISE)
Creating a multidisciplinary framework to analyse mathematical inventions
Colouring Flowers: Books, Art, and Experiment in the Household of Margery and Henry Power. British Journal for the History of Science, vol. 56, iss.…
The public: an insider to scientific research. Metascience, E-pub ahead of print (13 November 2024)
A hobbit’s guide to technology ethics. Metascience, E-pub ahead of print (22 October 2024)
‘Introducing the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice’ has recently been published as part of the Cambridge Elements series in the Philosophy of…
Schindler's paper Explanatory Stabilizations in Situations of Evidential Uncertainty has now been published by the journal Philosophy of Science
They will both be working on the project Towards Responsible Explainable AI Technologies (TREAT), headed by Rune Nyrup
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