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Matthias Heymann, Kristian H. Nielsen, Henry Nielsen and Henrik Knudsen publishes their article "Small State versus Superpower: Science and…
Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård and Kristian H. Nielsen: "From the preserves of the educated elite to virtually everywhere: A content analysis of Danish…
Janet Martin-Nielsen: "Ways of knowing climate: Hubert H. Lamb and climate research in the UK"
The Department for the History of the Eaxct Sciences were established 50 years ago
Samuel Schindler receives one of only 20 DFF Sapere Aude Starting Grants this year. The project "Intuitions in Science and Philosophy" will run for…
Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen will present a paper about Curious George and popular science for the symposium, Stories about science: exploring science…
Hanne Andersen, Henrik Kragh Sørensen, Samuel Schindler, and Kristian H. Nielsen will be contributing to the biennial meeting of the Philosophy of…
Matthias Heymann, Janet Martin-Nielsen, Nils Randlev Hundebøl, and Kristian H. Nielsen are all contributing to the 6th International Conference of…
Hanne Andersen speaks at half-day symposium on interdisciplinarity, 9 September 2014
CSS researchers contributing to EuroScience Open Forum 2014
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