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Henrik Kragh Sørensen publishes "'The End of Proof'? The integration of different mathematical cultures as experimental mathematics comes of age".
Kristian H. Nielsen publishes new article: "How User Assemblage Matters: Constructing Learning-by-Using in the Case of Wind Turbine Technology in…
The annual meeting for the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) will take place in Singapore, 22-25 June
Kristian Danielsen and Henrik Kragh Sørensen publish "Formal proof and exploratory experimentation: A Lakatosian view on the interplay between…
3rd annual meeting in the Danish Network for Philosophy of Science
February 5 (10 am) – February 6 2015 (3.30 pm) at Nyborg Strand
Participation is…
Nils Randlev Hundebøl and Kristian H. Nielsen publish their article: "Preparing for change: acid rain, climate change, and the Electric Power Research…
Matthias Heymann, Kristian H. Nielsen, Henry Nielsen and Henrik Knudsen publishes their article "Small State versus Superpower: Science and…
Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård and Kristian H. Nielsen: "From the preserves of the educated elite to virtually everywhere: A content analysis of Danish…
Janet Martin-Nielsen: "Ways of knowing climate: Hubert H. Lamb and climate research in the UK"
The Department for the History of the Eaxct Sciences were established 50 years ago
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