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Metascience, vol. 31, issue 2 (2022)
Samuel Schindler will present papers at two conferences honouring the 100th anniversary of Kuhn’s and Lakatos’ birth.
Pierre Saint-Germier, who was a postdoc at CSS from 2016-18, accepted a job offer with tenure from the French National Centre for Scientific Research…
Public Webinar: Science Communication in East Asia, 15 June 2022 at 10-11 am (CEST)
Philosophy of Science, Accepted Manuscript (2022), pp. 1-6
Samuel Schindler's paper Micro-level model explanations and counterfactual constraint got accepted in the European Journal for Philosophy of Science
Metascience, vol. 31, issue 1, 117–120 (2022)
Metascience, vol. 31, issue 1 (2022)
Foundations of Chemistry, OnlineFirst, 11 February 2022
Tenure-track assistant professor or associate professor
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